August 2, 2011


Those three words have summed up my journey for this epic event at the BNBF Centrals 31st July 2011. 

Truly is how dedicated I have been to the dieting, the training and the sheer determination that I‘ve had to complete the journey. 

Madly is how nuts I’ve had to be to see it all the way to the end. When you train and diet for any competition all your energy is focused on that one event, and no matter what you cannot let anything get in your way. For a bodybuilding show your life revolves around you and only you. Me, myself and I would be the perfect title. Eating becomes a timed event, you sit down at the exact time that is set for you as you have to eat, to replenish and maintain muscle whilst losing that fat. Cardio comes in to play, a drop in calories and training, oh the training becomes harder and harder. Everything that you take for granted such eating certain foods, meeting friends for a quick coffee or dinner goes out the window, even just a simple catch up for some has to be given up and you become a recluse just focusing on that goal. 

Deeply however is the one word that for me is how I really feel because I am deeply in love with training for a goal. These past 14 weeks have been one hell of a trip, a trip of a life time. I cannot compare it to anything else as it’s in a league of its own. I have been deeply passionate about every aspect of my training, dieting and conditioning. I can now proudly call myself an athlete because I feel to be truly, madly and deeply passionate about a sporting event, train for it and complete it takes a lot of dedication.

Actually I had better let you know the outcome, well I won. Yep I made it; I have the trophy sitting on my mantel piece along with a photo that even now, two days later I can’t believe. I will honestly say that I did not expect to win; I just wanted to be placed. I look at the photo and think is that me? and yes it is. I made it. It is the most amazing feeling, I loved it.
Now this part of the journey is over I have to have a good long think about the next and the reason for this is because I have qualified for the British finals. This is dream that I thought would take me another two years at least to reach, a chance to go for the pro card. Thinking about it I don’t even know what that really entails I will have to look it up. I’m moving out and moving in to a new place, starting a new job in a new area at the end of this week so I’m going to concentrate on that and then I will make my decision. This journey almost broken me, do I have it in me to go another round. It’s like a boxer in the ring, he knows he can do it, go another round, two or three even but he’s tired, it’s hard and he’s taken a lot of beating in those last rounds................... I think already know. 

1 comment:

  1. Truly inspirational Helen. You deserve your victory and wherever your journey takes you next, you will do a fantastic job. Well done :)
