August 2, 2011


Those three words have summed up my journey for this epic event at the BNBF Centrals 31st July 2011. 

Truly is how dedicated I have been to the dieting, the training and the sheer determination that I‘ve had to complete the journey. 

Madly is how nuts I’ve had to be to see it all the way to the end. When you train and diet for any competition all your energy is focused on that one event, and no matter what you cannot let anything get in your way. For a bodybuilding show your life revolves around you and only you. Me, myself and I would be the perfect title. Eating becomes a timed event, you sit down at the exact time that is set for you as you have to eat, to replenish and maintain muscle whilst losing that fat. Cardio comes in to play, a drop in calories and training, oh the training becomes harder and harder. Everything that you take for granted such eating certain foods, meeting friends for a quick coffee or dinner goes out the window, even just a simple catch up for some has to be given up and you become a recluse just focusing on that goal. 

Deeply however is the one word that for me is how I really feel because I am deeply in love with training for a goal. These past 14 weeks have been one hell of a trip, a trip of a life time. I cannot compare it to anything else as it’s in a league of its own. I have been deeply passionate about every aspect of my training, dieting and conditioning. I can now proudly call myself an athlete because I feel to be truly, madly and deeply passionate about a sporting event, train for it and complete it takes a lot of dedication.

Actually I had better let you know the outcome, well I won. Yep I made it; I have the trophy sitting on my mantel piece along with a photo that even now, two days later I can’t believe. I will honestly say that I did not expect to win; I just wanted to be placed. I look at the photo and think is that me? and yes it is. I made it. It is the most amazing feeling, I loved it.
Now this part of the journey is over I have to have a good long think about the next and the reason for this is because I have qualified for the British finals. This is dream that I thought would take me another two years at least to reach, a chance to go for the pro card. Thinking about it I don’t even know what that really entails I will have to look it up. I’m moving out and moving in to a new place, starting a new job in a new area at the end of this week so I’m going to concentrate on that and then I will make my decision. This journey almost broken me, do I have it in me to go another round. It’s like a boxer in the ring, he knows he can do it, go another round, two or three even but he’s tired, it’s hard and he’s taken a lot of beating in those last rounds................... I think already know. 

July 24, 2011

LAST ROUND ..............

7 days left till show time and I can’t wait. I’ll be honest here, the reason I can’t wait is because I want to get my life back and concentrate on the rest of the year. For me this has been hard and I’ve pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do and that makes me proud of myself. I’ve dieted as hard as I can and trained as hard as I can. I’ve followed the plan to the letter, never coming off track once. Nothing will get in my way when I really want something and this I have wanted so much. People have asked do I think I will win and I’ve thought this is why I’m doing it but honestly it’s not, it’s about me and myself. Yes of course winning would be amazing but it’s not everything I just want to do my best.

The last few weeks have been the hardest, calories reducing and training intensity still staying high, working full time, travelling in to London twice a week to see Dave have been all part of the journey but this last week I have hit hell but it’s a good job that I like the heat. It’s definitely been emotional and I’ve cried more this week than I have over the last 13 weeks but it’s expected as my weight today is 44.8kg and I’ve hit 6% body fat. Target hit. I wasn’t even this lean last year when I was on stage and I’m happy. Well almost but that’s the perfectionist in me. I have lost some lean mass but that is expected. I can say one thing about the people at my local gym and that is they have been an integral part of my journey. They have seen me arrive at 11% body fat, increased up to 15% body fat and now get down to 6 %. The men seem to have a lot more respect for me which I really appreciate.

The last few weeks I’ve not been the best person to be around. When you’re dieting this hard you tend to lose your personality and I’ve really missed my sarcasm. Even when skinny twerp is in the gym I haven’t got the mental focus to see what he’s doing and take the micky. I have enjoyed though the work experience lads in my local gym. These lads must only be about 16 and boy have I had some fun. One day I had just completed an arms session and finishing up with some ab work when they were all trying to do pull ups. This is one area that I can say that I’m good at. Not wide grip (I will work on this over the next few months) but semi-supinated and supinated grip I can knock them out with full range. They are all standing around the pull up bar, all showing off using a SS grip with less range than a multimillionaires butt cheeks and I’m in the mood to show off. I advised them to use a full range to work the muscles more. One lad tried it and he manages two, and I’m being generous when saying two. They all look at me so I ask should I show them. They laughed but stopped once I had knocked 10 out and still prepared to continue. I walked off with a big smile and very sore arms. Over the last few weeks I have noticed the change in some peoples training though, with even half of them doing tempo work and super setting. Whether this is my influence or not it’s just nice to see that some people with take on board different types of training intensity and give it a go.

After comp what am I looking forward to the most? Well my dreams have mostly consisted of food, food and more food and I really miss Mrs Crimble’s coconut macaroons and lamb and homemade rice pudding, wine....................ok I have to stop now as my mouth is watering. The list could go on and on but whatever the outcome of the show Dave is going to buy me one hell of a meal.

Water loading starts tomorrow............................................................ Hitting hell.................................... I’m going to be sitting with the devil J

July 3, 2011


On Saturday afternoon those words were like music to my ears, “next week is a deload week”. I’m now getting in tune with my body to know when it’s time to start backing off and letting my body recover and to re-challenge it with a new working load. I’ve gotten the maximum results from the current routine at this time. Your body adapts to a training programme in about 4 – 6 weeks (everyone is different and this time frame is just an average), so in order to progress with your training phases you must learn to listen to your body and this is one aspect that I’m so glad I learnt. Either that or Dave has just gotten fed up with my crying every time we do legs. Actually I know my body fat is still dropping as I even had a hissy fit when he was trying to get me to do abs and I just had nothing in me. Sorry Dave.

We are now 4 weeks to the day to the competition and I’m getting more and more excited. Dave and I have finally managed to get my shoulders capped, which I thought wouldn’t happen due to the problem with my rear deltoid, legs are coming through and bum is starting to look better. I can say hand on heart that I have worked my arse off for this and I can’t wait to get on that stage and show off what I have achieved with Dave over the last few months. The journey has been absolutely brilliant and I have enjoyed every single minute of it so far.

Figure posing practice has to be done. Arnold practiced every day for an hour and I’m trying to achieve that. I actually made Dave watch me the other day in the gym. I asked if we could do a practice posing session after training and preferably when it’s not busy in the gym. Poor Dave is all I can say as there I am standing in my holiday bikini and my 6inch lap dancing clear stilettos pulling all the poses. I’m also heading to the gym to use the studio to practice walking and having the poses flow. I must admit I think some people in the gym must think I’m vain; walking around the studio in a bikini or standing in front of the mirror pulling different poses in-between sets but learning how to show off your body in the best form can either get you 1st or last place. Learning to pose is fucking hard but stick with it and it can make your time on the stage the best time ever whether you win or not.

Dieting.WTF. I’ve now been at it for 9 weeks and I’ve 4 weeks left to go. Two weeks ago I was sitting at 7.8% body fat and I know that I’m learner again so I’m guess that I’m around the 7.5% mark. I’ve hit my target as the rest will be dehydration which is what I am dreading. In order to dehydrate you must first hydrate. Now this isn’t your “drink two litres of water a day” hydrating but water loading and I will be honest I hate it. I really fucking hate it and I find it painful but it has to be done. I’m trying not to think about it too much but considering I’m sitting 7.5% body fat, having two walking cardio sessions 5 days a week, training and working I’ve not much else going on in my life. I usually do a lot of reading on training, nutrition and supplementation but I can barely do that at the moment so my poor little brain is just thinking about shit. I know I’m a nightmare to be around but as I’m away with the fairy’s most of the time I’m not noticing so this is to all my fellow friends and work colleague I’m really sorry. This is the reason why I’m now writing this blog every other week, I’m shattered, I’m cranky, I’m unhinged as my work colleagues would probably say and I cry at the silliest of things but still I think it’s worth it.

June 20, 2011


I know I’ve missed a couple of weeks but I’m still here, still dieting and still training hard. The reason for my absence is down to plan old focusing on the task in hand and a few hiccups. Firstly I managed to trap some nerves and to put it mildly I was wailing like a baby. The pain was, well, painful and poor Dave almost had to carry me out of the gym. I can now proudly say that I’m 99.9% recovered as long as I stick to the rules. There are a few people out there who train hard and do not suffer any type of injury and they are lucky but my left shoulder is the bain of my training.  I put it down to two major accidents and the specialist stating that I have weak lower traps which I have been given exercises to do and once competition is over I will spend my time working on.

Secondly I have been very busy and really just needed to focus on my goal. Setting ourselves goals, whether they are long term or short term really need focus and determination. Whether you are implementing a new structure to your training plan, shifting a few pounds for holiday or just getting yourself into the routine of going to the gym are goals. To reach a goal you must have a plan because if you fail to plan you plan to fail. Each and every one of my 12 weeks leading to the competition is set out in a plan. Dave put this together for me in a little black book and I carry it around with me like a vicar with their bible. All too often people set themselves a goal such as making a sudden declaration they have gained far too much weight (I believe not enough people think this but that’s another blog update) and decide that they want to lose a stone or two in a couple of weeks and so cut everything out that they enjoy in their diet, go to the market to buy low fat this, low fat that, no fat, reduced calorie, declare from the roof tops that they are going to abstain from alcohol, no cake, no biscuits... la la la la  and only live on chicken and salad and fruit, loads and loads of fruit so it fills them up. I could go on but I think you get the drift and for these people they have all the good intentions of the world on day 1. Now by day five it’s all going downhill. They have already found the packet of biscuits in the back of the cupboard after an extra long double session of good old cardio at the gym and scoffed the lot before their gym bag has touched the ground, they had to have a bottle of wine with Sally when they meet up in the week as she had just broken up with so and so and you couldn’t let her drink alone. Excuses, excuses, excuses is all I hear but what makes me frustrated the most is that they didn’t put a plan in place because if they had they would have already given away any kind of treats in the house and arranged to meet Sally in a suitable place such as a coffee shop with some healthy snacks in the bag. Plus as a nice cup of black coffee would have the perfect thermogenic effect on her body. The weeks are going by and my body shape is getting leaner and people come up to me in the gym and ask me how I do it. So I tell them I have a plan and even though this plan to get stage ready is 12 weeks I actually started this plan 8 months ago. Even now I have a good idea of the plan I’m going to follow from September for the next 12 months thus getting me ready to compete again next year. I know those same people will come up to me again a few months either looking the same or bigger and complain again how they just can’t shift the weight. If you are one of those people who just can’t seem to shift the weight (excuse me please) but for fuck sake pull yourself together, get realistic and get yourself a plan. If you do not work in the fitness industry how the fuck are you supposed to know what to do, that is why every gym has something we call a Personal Trainer. They are there for a reason so get your podgy little finger on your latest wifi phone and look up for a well educated, well respected PT who is PICP qualified and even better Biosignature qualified too. (Go to to locate your nearest PICP coach).

Even though I have a plan and a trainer to tell me what I need to be doing it’s not easy but that’s what I love about it the whole challenge because if it was easy then everyone would be in amazing shape eating nothing but organic foods.

Apart from my shoulder everything is coming along well but anxiety is creeping in. I’m determined to follow it all the way through and be at my best on stage. I’m still getting leaner every week, weight hasn’t changed that much and I have gained lean muscle mass and my strength is still increasing. Now that’s what happens when you follow a good plan put together by a well educated PICP personal training coach. I’m so lucky to have Dave Lewis from Upfitness ( with me on this journey.

June 6, 2011


Here I am 7 weeks out and I’m going slightly loopy. Now dieting down for any type of competition where you have to parade around on stage in a bikini that would be more suited to a Las Vegas show girl flexing muscles that you have worked your butt off to achieve (literally worked your butt off!) is by no means easy. Nutrition is of high importance because if you don’t reach your protein goal and optimal nutritional intake you will lose focus, muscle mass and energy and this are the last thing that I want to lose. All the staff at work are very understanding; I’m able to eat my meals at the time that I need to. I don’t rely on bars or shakes as I prefer to eat real food as opposed to something that’s been man made with a whole load of other crap thrown in for good measure. People assume that because you lift weights to build muscle you drink and eat a whole load of protein with a few raw egg whites added in for good measure. Yes I do eat a higher amount of protein than say your average Josephine but that’s because I follow a Paleo diet and I follow the guide line for my weight and goal. Now the Paleo diet has a simple philosophy, “if it doesn’t swim, run, fly or isn’t green and grow in the ground then don’t eat it” or Jack Lalanne’s simple dietary prescription “if man made it, don’t eat it”. My diet is a variation of “Paleo-meets-sports nutrition”. Animal proteins are considered of higher quality than grain or vegetable proteins because they contain all the essential amino acids along with essential fatty acids in the proper portions and ratios that mother-nature intended.  I could go on and on about the current westernised diet but that’s not what I’m writing my blog for, I already know what I know and keep reading to learn more but, if you are interested about changing your physique, increasing life expectance, decreasing your chances of disease such as Cancer, Parkinson’s (which is a man made disease by the way) and being happier etc then have a read of the Paleo Diet by Dr Loren Cordain or do your research on sites such as Charles Poliquin and for you serious muscle heads the T-Nation website.

With dieting for body building shows it falls in to a different ball game and this week could be the changeover to fish and greens but I am praying to god that I can still be on a carb rotation due to the fact that I don’t think my colleagues can cope with me being anymore dippier than I already am. The reasons for the changes are for when body fat becomes low I need to consistently challenge my body so that body fat continues to drop to reach my on stage goal. Had my measurements taken today and I’m a very lean 8.3% BF. I know this is only short term, once the competition is over I’ll be heading up to my usual percentage. For all my female friends reading this I want to let you know that lower body fat% in females is not hormonally healthy and I do not advocate that anyone try to attain that lower percentage unless you are doing it for a sporting event and are under the guidance of a very well educated trainer. With my percentages dropping it is getting hard and harder by the week, even day by day. Even whilst I’m writing this blog I have a look of concentration on my face that is so focused that a naked man could run through the surgery and I wouldn’t notice. Ok I probably would but hey that’s never going to happen. Even yesterday whilst in the queue at the local Tesco’s I was surrounded by my favourite sweets and wine. Oh to have just one glass of wine right now would be blissful. I’d be pissed as a fart but very happy indeed.

This weekend I have been on a fantastic course with some great people. I have now completed my PICP Level 1 which is an additional notch to the belt for when I finish my personal training certificate. I was the only non PT on the course and I would like to say a big thank you to some of the boys who were very patient with me constantly asking questions. I have learnt so much that my already fried brain is a little bit more fried. I’ve learnt to differentiate strength qualities and the scientific basis to follow training loading parameters. I’ve also learnt manipulation of reps, sets, rest intervals and the science of tempo along with upper extremity structural balance lifts. There were a few interesting people on the course but since I have been sarcastic in all of my blogs so far I’ve decided for this part to change my attitude. Either that or I just don’t have the focus right now. (I’m sure it will be back!) Considering this course was partly in a class room, a lot of the time was in the gym (Fulham training ground and bloody hell they have a lot of good looking men there). I managed to find my 1 rep max on pull ups but for some insane reason I asked one of the strength coaches and friend if I could do an arm workout with them during our lunch break. WTF was I thinking, this was Derek Woodske who massively strong. Well Derek all I have to say is that two days later and my arms still feel pumped.

Over all I’m happy with my progress, yes the dieting is hard and train is requiring more mental focus and I love it. Today was legs, all weights have doubled since starting this program and I’m proud to say I didn’t cry. I had little hissy fit but I didn’t cry. A major achievement I think!!

May 29, 2011


First things first. I’ve had one friend receive some devastating news and I want to let him know that I’m thinking of him and this family and I hope to god that everything will be ok and treatment is successful.

Working, Training, Dieting, Working Dieting Training. This is my life at the moment and I’d compare it to a roller coaster ride and this week I’ve been on the big dipper. Training and dieting to compete as an athlete (this is what I will call myself because I can) is different to your average person wanting to lose a few pounds. Timing, nutrition and rest are of paramount importance if you want to be the best that you can. Last week I was riding on the high and thrill of the slow journey of getting higher and higher but at the start of this week came the big drip. On a roller coaster you’d be screaming with excitement but I was screaming because I wasn’t seeing the changes. Then mid week BAM! I went to train with Dave Lewis at Upfitness ( put on the usual attire came out did a couple of warm up reps and then I looked at myself in the mirror and fuck I was looking lean on the upper body. Even Sarah Lindsay, one the trainers also at Upfitness (Sarah is a three time Olympian, representing Great Britain for over a decade in the highly competitive sport of short track speed skating) also said that I’m looking awesome. There you have it, proof that if you follow the plan, stay true to yourself and don’t let anything, and I mean anything in your life get in your way.

Training is great and the 5 day split I love. Training at my local gym is still the epitome of my week due to the amount of muppets that seem to be coming through the doors. Now don’t get me wrong there are some good and great people in the gym, people who actually work on their physique, train hard, lift with good form. There is still only one man who squats with good form and that’s with his arse to the grass and can you believe it that every other person in the gym tells him that his technique is wrong. Skinny twerp hasn’t been too bad this week, he’s still rather annoying trying to chat to me but I think I shut him up when I started doing wide eccentric pull ups with extra weight round my waist. I actually sent a text to Dave to thank him for putting the chin up’s back in the program as I love them, not because I’m good at them, I’m ok but it’s because I’m not good that I want to get better and plus they are the king of exercises for building upper body strength. The most annoying twat award this week has to go to the man in the sauna trying to chat to me about his boxing career. This conversation actually started because I asked him to take his plastic bottle outside as opposed to having it in the sauna where it was melting in the heat and realising toxins which I really didn’t want to be breathing in. Mind you I think there are worse things in that sauna that I was breathing in! He proceeded to tell me how he was a champion boxer 7 years ago and blah blah blah I just turned off until he said that I must run loads to look the way that I do. I laughed hysterically and said yes that’s right I run to look the way I do and that he must be a champion boxer to look the way he did. He looked quite proud until the penny dropped that I was being sarcastic.

Dieting is coming along a treat. I thought I would find it harder this time round but I kind of know what to expect, the only things that Dave has me doing differently is having wild meat in the morning and the wave cycle of carbohydrates which are in the form of brown rice or brown rice pasta. I am very military about my eating so it’s not that hard. I have split my meals up into 6 portions and eat every 2.5 – 3 hours. Even off season I still clean I just increase my carbohydrates and I have cheat days. I have my next set of photos and biosignature on Monday and here Dave will be able to tell if he needs to change my diet and I will be able to see if all that body brushing is paying off.

Morning cardio is.............well it has to be done. I’ve brought the new Lady Gaga album as it has a good beat because first thing in the morning I need something. I’ve not only just woken up I’m also leaving the house with no makeup on and this in its self is a challenge. I will say towards the end of the week I’m actually starting to enjoy it. I’m thankful this is during the summer months.

My major task is to really get on with posing and getting my bikini sorted. If you want to compete its not cheap but well worth the roller coasters ride.

If you have any questions please email me and thank you to everyone who has messaged me, complemented me so far and who is reading this blog. I have said that you don’t need to follow but if you could I’d be grateful. This week is picking up and I can’t wait for the next set of changes, plus I have my PICP Level 1 course at the end of the week ( and I get to see my favourite strength coaches Derek Woodske  and John Conner bring it on!!

May 22, 2011

End of Training week 3

Its half way through week three and so far it’s still going well. Ok so I may have had a few ups and downs. I’ve been given a new programme and to say its challenging would be an understatement. It’s a 5 day split with two days off. Now I love a challenging programme but with a full time job and morning fasted cardio added in this week I’m going to have to make sure I’m organised. One thing in the middle of the week that I didn’t account for was some random drunken phone call at 1.51am! This was on the morning of a 5am wake up, my 1st new leg session, (a tear was shed at the end), a full day at work where a vicious dog (the owners were so proud - FW!!) had swallowed stone and it was stuck in the intestinal wall and I was covering a combat class for my lovely friend Orly after work. Revenge was had though. I replied to the drunken message with a text at 5.05 and we removed the stone from the dog. Life always turns out sweet and if you cross me I will name and shame you!

If you know me and have seen me train then you know I’m focused. Don’t speak to me or interrupt me or take the weights that I’m using. So here’s to my first arm session, I’m set, I’m ready, I’m focused and I’m at my local gym. I’m starting with the scott curl and, yes you guessed it this skinny little young twat comes over and asks if I know how to use the scott curl just as I’m setting up the bar. I look up and ask if he’s joking? I’m not small and even with my insecurities (we all have them) I look like I train. I reply with stating that I have more muscle in my leg than he does on his whole body. I give him his dews as he did come back later and apologise but I think someone told him that I’m the crazy bitch. After this he then proceeds with telling me how he’s going to gain 10kg of muscle and he’ll do it in 4 years which he seemed to be really proud of. I think I laughed the entire way home. It really makes you think of the level of the personal training information that these aspiring PT are receiving. My course still uses the old food pyramid!!

It’s now the end of the week and I’m pleased with my progress so far. I’ve dropped to from 14.5% to 10.5% body fat and my weight is 47.7kg with just a few tweaks of the diet and some supplements. I mentioned before that I am following two protocols; one is a gut repair which consists of various enzymes, supplements from Charles Poliquin and a bucket load of glutamine. Now a vast percentage of the population suffer with some form of digestive issue along with low stomach acid. This has been brought about by bad diets, artificial additives in food and drink, pesticides, lifestyle, stress, high or long term antibiotic use etc etc. Poor gut health leads to poor digestion of food and intolerances as well as many other conditions and can contribute to plateaus in training, so, as I want to still add on the muscle mass whilst I’m dieting I’m taking in that glutamine by the bucket load. The other is an Estro Detox. All I’m going to say on this one is when I pee at night; I can make the bathroom look like there’s a radiation leak.

Diet; I am LOVING my wild meat in the morning. I had bison and ostridge for the first time and I really like the gamey taste. Some people don’t get why I eat meat for breakfast (I still eat steak off season) but then I don’t get why people eat toast which contains rat and mice piss and shit? Carbohydrates are being reduced and it’s now hitting me. I’m feeling low and emotional. I think the last three days have been the worst so far, just with the emotional feeling. I would like to say a great big THANK YOU to everyone at Pinner FF, on Thursday night and Friday morning you were all brilliant and so supportive. Friday morning crew gave me the push that I need to get through that session. I love you all at Pinner xx

If you would like information on the supplements that I use please ask or visit where you can find out all about information on supplements, nutrition, and training and about PCIP and Biosignature Practitioners.

May 16, 2011

End of Training week 2

Time fly’s when you’re having fun and I can say that I am indeed having fun. So first of all I’d really like to say thank you to all those people who messaged me with their comments of support and motivation. Jackie from FF Pinner, Jordan who I meet at the Biosignature course in Sweden, Chris Heron, JC from W10 performance (great gym with cute guys which is a high point of my list when choosing a gym.....I need motivation don’t I??).  I am a very driven person (my flat mate says that I’m a little OCD but apparently all high achievers do have some form of OCD so I took that as a complement), there are times however when I would like to just snuggle up in bed or on the sofa with a big roast chicken, roast potatoes with all the trimmings but then I know in three months time I will be doing just that. The hard work and effort that it takes will be worth it and that is why I am here.

Training is going very well, I still have those moments where I think that I need to do more, more is better, then I take a look at all those fat people in the gym who spend a minimum of two hours training per session, day after day and it brings me back to my senses. There is NO WAY IN HELL that I want to look like that. Ever since I started training under a PICP strength coach I have done my fare share of research, every question is based on ‘Why?’, and since placing my faith with PICP trainers I have seen the dramatic change in my body, and not only my body shape but how I feel. Ben Siong in Melbourne was my first trainer ( and Dave Lewis of Upfitness ( ) is my trainer now. Ben was the first, he really changed my perception of exercise and introduced me to proper weight training and Dave has taken it to the next level, a lad with exceptional talent! Many people ask if I compete I must be down the gym all the time and eat loads of rice. After I’ve stopped laughing at the misconception of weight training I advise them that each of my 4 – 5 work outs per week NEVER last longer than an hour and if they ever do, which they don’t it’s because some big chested, skinny leg twerp at the gym has been getting in my way and trying to ask me questions because I look like I know what I’m doing or they try to tell me that I shouldn’t be doing weights like that (actually that has only happen a couple of times and I thinks it’s because I almost smashed the Olympic bar in to the guys face and then word got around about a crazy bitch in the gym). It’s about the right training with weights at the right rep range, right tempo and the right of weights. There is so much more and I have so much to learn and I am thoroughly enjoying it. That was one reason why I did the Biosignature course in Sweden because I was asking so many questions that I thought why not go and do the course and find out the information for myself. I’m now taking my PICP Level 1 in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait.

Also I’m typing with sore shoulders today, actually if someone poked me in the shoulder I would kick their butt and only because I can’t lift my arms to be able to slap them in the face. I won a competition for a free session with Tom Crudgingon at Body Development in Bath ( ) and this man knows his shit. I drove to Bath and the first thing he asked about was my diet, training, accident history etc. Tom knows Dave so he’s happy with my training, diet had some tweaks so as soon as I get my order from Osgrow I will be having a rotation of Spring bok, Kudu, Ostridge and Kangaroo in the mornings and then a rotation of white meat for the rest of the day. I’m off the fish at the moment which I’ll post in my next blog where I’ll mention my protocols. As for the accidents he told me something which I already knew and should have had it seen to by now. My neck and shoulder alignment is out, so much that Dave has called me wonky shoulders in the I think this was when I fell of the boat and landed face first on concrete. My face was a little muddled up after that one!! One thing I didn’t know was that if my upper spine is out then my lumbar spine will be out and if they are out I will not grow in the shoulders or in the legs. WTF! Now I put some impressive numbers in to my squats for someone of my size and build, some people may not think it’s much but when I squat my arse is to the grass. This week my priority is to see a good Chiropractor. Another task that needs to be started is body brushing to get rid of those toxins under the skin. I don’t want cellulite but unfortunately I have it. This morning I started brushing those thighs.

So here’s for week three and I say bring it on!!

May 13, 2011

My Journey...

Should I, shouldn’t I? I’ve spent the last three weeks thinking about writing a blog. Do I want another ‘to do’ thingy on my list whilst I have already so much on my plate. I work full time, studying for my PT certificate, studying for a Practice Management Certificate, completing my level 1 Bio-signature and PICP level 1, as well as training and dieting for my 2nd Figure competition. Then I thought, if I did, who would want to read it, who would want to know about my ‘Journey’, talking about the ups and downs of dieting; the discipline of the training and how truly, madly and deeply in Love I am with training. Then I read an article by Derek Woodske, a story...So here is my blog. I’m going to update weekly but please excuse me if I miss a week.
I’ll give you a bit of history first...
I’m not one of those people who have been into fitness or sport my whole life. The only bit of sport was horse riding as we owned 3 horses at one point. Life had generally been good, brought up in a nice village, brilliant sister, worked and lived in London. Just before I got married I wanted to be in shape so I signed up at the local gym, even getting myself a PT. That was my first taste of ‘The Gym’ environment and I loved it, so much so that I quailed as an ETM and started teaching. The last 10 years haven’t gone well, I’ve had two almost fatal accidents, my marriage failed and the passing of my two dogs was the last straw. I couldn’t handle it anymore so I decided to sell my property and leave to travel Asia and wherever my heart desired. Five months in covering 5 countries and now in the land of down under, Australia. Finally I was with my best friends Maggie Butler, Katherine Geczy and Christina Riolo. I was happy. Actually no I wasn’t completely happy. I’d felt like I had eaten my way round Asia, I had had a great time doing it but was now paying the price. What I didn’t know was that I was a coelic with a dairy intolerance. I headed to Melbourne and decided to settle for a few weeks, just to get myself sorted and whilst I was there I might as well join the gym and start to get back in to shape because there was no way in hell I was coming back home fat! My first session........I was fucked; I couldn’t even run for 10 minutes or lift an 8kg weight. It was pathetic. Then I saw the figure of my dreams. Now, girls don’t float my boat but this girl had the figure I wanted. Like the girls on the cover of oxygen magazine. I looked up, took a look at the guy who was training her, went straight to the board, found his picture took his card, gave a call and booked in for my first session in mid January 2010. That was the start of it. Ben Siong is a PICP level 3 and Bio signature level 1. First of all he got my digestion under control, changed my diet and introduced me to GVT. It was Ben who talked me into training for my first show. It was something that I always wanted to do but thought that I could never do it. I was wrong. During those weeks of training I stayed focused and so determined that I just wanted to do well for myself and for Ben. We managed to get me ready in 18 weeks, (see for my before and after pictures). That was it I was hooked.
Once back in the UK I found Upfitness, a gym in London Old Street run by Nick Mitchell and all his trainers are PICP and Bio signature certified. He paired me with Dave Lewis, a phenomenal trainer and that is where I have been since September 2010. We’ve, worked on strength phases, isolation and GVT.
Sit back and enjoy and if I start to get pissy and moany tell me to just suck it up!
Training week 1 & 2
Weight - 47.4kg
Fat % 14.5%
It’s finally here, the countdown has started, and the journey has begun. I’m actually now half way through week 2 due to taking my time deciding on whether to write a blog or not. This is not a time to be stressing, so I’m not! Week 1 went well, had my biosig done, pre photos taking (OMG a bit shocking) and diet given. As I’m still quiet lean my diet isn’t as strict as I thought it was going to be and I’m happy I still get to have my steak of a morning and on a carb rotation. The first non carb day was a bit of a challenge as I’d trained legs with Dave and about 5pm it hit me but this is what I love. I’m missing my rice pudding already!
I’ve had up and downs already but that’s life. Juggling work, studying and training in 24 hour days will be hard at times but being organised is what I’m good at. Week 2 hasn’t been great, I came down with a very bad cold which is taking some time to fuck off but as I’m on a gut healing protocol and an estro protocol I’m detoxifying my little arse off so my immune system is somewhat challenged. I’m also feeling a bit nervous now with questions such as have I gained enough muscle, have I eaten enough, will those bits on the outside top of my thighs come off, etc, etc. Dave is great, he just tells me to shut up.
The one thing I wish I did have is the support of my family. You see they just don’t get it or that I just haven’t talked to them about it in the right way. They don’t even know that I’m going back on stage. My sister will be happy for me but only because she knows how happy this makes me. I’m not doing this for anyone else I’m doing this for me because I love it. This is the direction that I want to head in both as a Figure competitor and as a career.