June 6, 2011


Here I am 7 weeks out and I’m going slightly loopy. Now dieting down for any type of competition where you have to parade around on stage in a bikini that would be more suited to a Las Vegas show girl flexing muscles that you have worked your butt off to achieve (literally worked your butt off!) is by no means easy. Nutrition is of high importance because if you don’t reach your protein goal http://www.charlespoliquin.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/113/The_Protein_Goal_Diet.aspx and optimal nutritional intake you will lose focus, muscle mass and energy and this are the last thing that I want to lose. All the staff at work are very understanding; I’m able to eat my meals at the time that I need to. I don’t rely on bars or shakes as I prefer to eat real food as opposed to something that’s been man made with a whole load of other crap thrown in for good measure. People assume that because you lift weights to build muscle you drink and eat a whole load of protein with a few raw egg whites added in for good measure. Yes I do eat a higher amount of protein than say your average Josephine but that’s because I follow a Paleo diet and I follow the guide line for my weight and goal. Now the Paleo diet has a simple philosophy, “if it doesn’t swim, run, fly or isn’t green and grow in the ground then don’t eat it” or Jack Lalanne’s simple dietary prescription “if man made it, don’t eat it”. My diet is a variation of “Paleo-meets-sports nutrition”. Animal proteins are considered of higher quality than grain or vegetable proteins because they contain all the essential amino acids along with essential fatty acids in the proper portions and ratios that mother-nature intended.  I could go on and on about the current westernised diet but that’s not what I’m writing my blog for, I already know what I know and keep reading to learn more but, if you are interested about changing your physique, increasing life expectance, decreasing your chances of disease such as Cancer, Parkinson’s (which is a man made disease by the way) and being happier etc then have a read of the Paleo Diet by Dr Loren Cordain or do your research on sites such as Charles Poliquin and for you serious muscle heads the T-Nation website.

With dieting for body building shows it falls in to a different ball game and this week could be the changeover to fish and greens but I am praying to god that I can still be on a carb rotation due to the fact that I don’t think my colleagues can cope with me being anymore dippier than I already am. The reasons for the changes are for when body fat becomes low I need to consistently challenge my body so that body fat continues to drop to reach my on stage goal. Had my measurements taken today and I’m a very lean 8.3% BF. I know this is only short term, once the competition is over I’ll be heading up to my usual percentage. For all my female friends reading this I want to let you know that lower body fat% in females is not hormonally healthy and I do not advocate that anyone try to attain that lower percentage unless you are doing it for a sporting event and are under the guidance of a very well educated trainer. With my percentages dropping it is getting hard and harder by the week, even day by day. Even whilst I’m writing this blog I have a look of concentration on my face that is so focused that a naked man could run through the surgery and I wouldn’t notice. Ok I probably would but hey that’s never going to happen. Even yesterday whilst in the queue at the local Tesco’s I was surrounded by my favourite sweets and wine. Oh to have just one glass of wine right now would be blissful. I’d be pissed as a fart but very happy indeed.

This weekend I have been on a fantastic course with some great people. I have now completed my PICP Level 1 which is an additional notch to the belt for when I finish my personal training certificate. I was the only non PT on the course and I would like to say a big thank you to some of the boys who were very patient with me constantly asking questions. I have learnt so much that my already fried brain is a little bit more fried. I’ve learnt to differentiate strength qualities and the scientific basis to follow training loading parameters. I’ve also learnt manipulation of reps, sets, rest intervals and the science of tempo along with upper extremity structural balance lifts. There were a few interesting people on the course but since I have been sarcastic in all of my blogs so far I’ve decided for this part to change my attitude. Either that or I just don’t have the focus right now. (I’m sure it will be back!) Considering this course was partly in a class room, a lot of the time was in the gym (Fulham training ground and bloody hell they have a lot of good looking men there). I managed to find my 1 rep max on pull ups but for some insane reason I asked one of the strength coaches and friend if I could do an arm workout with them during our lunch break. WTF was I thinking, this was Derek Woodske who massively strong. Well Derek all I have to say is that two days later and my arms still feel pumped.

Over all I’m happy with my progress, yes the dieting is hard and train is requiring more mental focus and I love it. Today was legs, all weights have doubled since starting this program and I’m proud to say I didn’t cry. I had little hissy fit but I didn’t cry. A major achievement I think!!

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