July 24, 2011

LAST ROUND ..............

7 days left till show time and I can’t wait. I’ll be honest here, the reason I can’t wait is because I want to get my life back and concentrate on the rest of the year. For me this has been hard and I’ve pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do and that makes me proud of myself. I’ve dieted as hard as I can and trained as hard as I can. I’ve followed the plan to the letter, never coming off track once. Nothing will get in my way when I really want something and this I have wanted so much. People have asked do I think I will win and I’ve thought this is why I’m doing it but honestly it’s not, it’s about me and myself. Yes of course winning would be amazing but it’s not everything I just want to do my best.

The last few weeks have been the hardest, calories reducing and training intensity still staying high, working full time, travelling in to London twice a week to see Dave have been all part of the journey but this last week I have hit hell but it’s a good job that I like the heat. It’s definitely been emotional and I’ve cried more this week than I have over the last 13 weeks but it’s expected as my weight today is 44.8kg and I’ve hit 6% body fat. Target hit. I wasn’t even this lean last year when I was on stage and I’m happy. Well almost but that’s the perfectionist in me. I have lost some lean mass but that is expected. I can say one thing about the people at my local gym and that is they have been an integral part of my journey. They have seen me arrive at 11% body fat, increased up to 15% body fat and now get down to 6 %. The men seem to have a lot more respect for me which I really appreciate.

The last few weeks I’ve not been the best person to be around. When you’re dieting this hard you tend to lose your personality and I’ve really missed my sarcasm. Even when skinny twerp is in the gym I haven’t got the mental focus to see what he’s doing and take the micky. I have enjoyed though the work experience lads in my local gym. These lads must only be about 16 and boy have I had some fun. One day I had just completed an arms session and finishing up with some ab work when they were all trying to do pull ups. This is one area that I can say that I’m good at. Not wide grip (I will work on this over the next few months) but semi-supinated and supinated grip I can knock them out with full range. They are all standing around the pull up bar, all showing off using a SS grip with less range than a multimillionaires butt cheeks and I’m in the mood to show off. I advised them to use a full range to work the muscles more. One lad tried it and he manages two, and I’m being generous when saying two. They all look at me so I ask should I show them. They laughed but stopped once I had knocked 10 out and still prepared to continue. I walked off with a big smile and very sore arms. Over the last few weeks I have noticed the change in some peoples training though, with even half of them doing tempo work and super setting. Whether this is my influence or not it’s just nice to see that some people with take on board different types of training intensity and give it a go.

After comp what am I looking forward to the most? Well my dreams have mostly consisted of food, food and more food and I really miss Mrs Crimble’s coconut macaroons and lamb and homemade rice pudding, wine....................ok I have to stop now as my mouth is watering. The list could go on and on but whatever the outcome of the show Dave is going to buy me one hell of a meal.

Water loading starts tomorrow............................................................ Hitting hell.................................... I’m going to be sitting with the devil J

July 3, 2011


On Saturday afternoon those words were like music to my ears, “next week is a deload week”. I’m now getting in tune with my body to know when it’s time to start backing off and letting my body recover and to re-challenge it with a new working load. I’ve gotten the maximum results from the current routine at this time. Your body adapts to a training programme in about 4 – 6 weeks (everyone is different and this time frame is just an average), so in order to progress with your training phases you must learn to listen to your body and this is one aspect that I’m so glad I learnt. Either that or Dave has just gotten fed up with my crying every time we do legs. Actually I know my body fat is still dropping as I even had a hissy fit when he was trying to get me to do abs and I just had nothing in me. Sorry Dave.

We are now 4 weeks to the day to the competition and I’m getting more and more excited. Dave and I have finally managed to get my shoulders capped, which I thought wouldn’t happen due to the problem with my rear deltoid, legs are coming through and bum is starting to look better. I can say hand on heart that I have worked my arse off for this and I can’t wait to get on that stage and show off what I have achieved with Dave over the last few months. The journey has been absolutely brilliant and I have enjoyed every single minute of it so far.

Figure posing practice has to be done. Arnold practiced every day for an hour and I’m trying to achieve that. I actually made Dave watch me the other day in the gym. I asked if we could do a practice posing session after training and preferably when it’s not busy in the gym. Poor Dave is all I can say as there I am standing in my holiday bikini and my 6inch lap dancing clear stilettos pulling all the poses. I’m also heading to the gym to use the studio to practice walking and having the poses flow. I must admit I think some people in the gym must think I’m vain; walking around the studio in a bikini or standing in front of the mirror pulling different poses in-between sets but learning how to show off your body in the best form can either get you 1st or last place. Learning to pose is fucking hard but stick with it and it can make your time on the stage the best time ever whether you win or not.

Dieting.WTF. I’ve now been at it for 9 weeks and I’ve 4 weeks left to go. Two weeks ago I was sitting at 7.8% body fat and I know that I’m learner again so I’m guess that I’m around the 7.5% mark. I’ve hit my target as the rest will be dehydration which is what I am dreading. In order to dehydrate you must first hydrate. Now this isn’t your “drink two litres of water a day” hydrating but water loading and I will be honest I hate it. I really fucking hate it and I find it painful but it has to be done. I’m trying not to think about it too much but considering I’m sitting 7.5% body fat, having two walking cardio sessions 5 days a week, training and working I’ve not much else going on in my life. I usually do a lot of reading on training, nutrition and supplementation but I can barely do that at the moment so my poor little brain is just thinking about shit. I know I’m a nightmare to be around but as I’m away with the fairy’s most of the time I’m not noticing so this is to all my fellow friends and work colleague I’m really sorry. This is the reason why I’m now writing this blog every other week, I’m shattered, I’m cranky, I’m unhinged as my work colleagues would probably say and I cry at the silliest of things but still I think it’s worth it.